Michele Goad, MBA

Michele Goad, MBA

Strategic Planning Manager

Kyle Goodman, MD, PhD

Kyle Goodman, MD, PhD

Resident, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology

Jeffrey Gordon, MD

Jeffrey Gordon, MD

Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor
Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Professor, Developmental Biology
Professor, Molecular Microbiology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Mark Gorelik, PhD

Mark Gorelik, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dantas Lab

Abby M. Green, MD

Abby M. Green, MD

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

Ann M.  Gronowski, PhD

Ann M. Gronowski, PhD

Oree M. Carroll and Lillian B. Ladenson Professor in Clinical Chemistry, Pathology & Immunology and Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division Co-Chief, Laboratory and Genomic Medicine
CLIA Medical Director, BJH Pathology Services & Memorial Hospitals
Co-Director, Clinical Chemistry Fellowship

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Michael L Gross, MD

Michael L Gross, MD

Professor, Chemistry

Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH

Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Professor of Medicine

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Larry Ha, MD

Larry Ha, MD

Fellowship, Liver/Gastrointestinal Pathology

Ian S. Hagemann, MD, PhD

Ian S. Hagemann, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Director, Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Office of Faculty Development Representative

Claudia Han, PhD

Claudia Han, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Jichang Han, PhD

Jichang Han, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Randolph Lab

Scott Handley, PhD

Scott Handley, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Tom Hannan, DVM, PhD

Tom Hannan, DVM, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

George J. Harocopos, MD

George J. Harocopos, MD

Associate Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Anjum Hassan, MD

Anjum Hassan, MD

Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD

Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Pediatric Pathology
Director, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Richard D Head, MS

Richard D Head, MS

Professor, Genetics

Ahmad Hedayat, MD

Ahmad Hedayat, MD

Resident, Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology

Patricia Hernandez, MD

Patricia Hernandez, MD

Fellow, Molecular Genetic Pathology

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Brazil

Jasmin Herz, PhD

Jasmin Herz, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Matthew C. Hibberd, PhD

Matthew C. Hibberd, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

D. Ashley Hill, MD

D. Ashley Hill, MD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

JinChao Hou, PhD

JinChao Hou, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Colonna Lab

Chyi Hsieh, MD, PhD

Chyi Hsieh, MD, PhD

Alan A and Edith L Wolff Distinguished Professor, Medicine

Sunnie Hsiung, PhD

Sunnie Hsiung, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Egawa Lab

Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD

Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD

Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Pathologist-in-Chief, Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Division: Neuropathology

Zita Hubler, MD, PhD

Zita Hubler, MD, PhD

Resident, Clinical Pathology
Physician Scientist Training Program

Drew Hughes, MD, PhD

Drew Hughes, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

JoAnne Humphries

JoAnne Humphries

Executive Director Business Affairs

H. Michael Isaacs

H. Michael Isaacs

Director, Informatics
Director, External Affairs

Ronald Jackups Jr., MD, PhD

Ronald Jackups Jr., MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Clinical Informatics
Program Director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD

Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine (primary appointment)
Associate Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Umang Jain, PhD

Umang Jain, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Sylvia Jang, MD

Sylvia Jang, MD

Fellow, Gynecologic and Breast Pathology

Wentong Jia, PhD

Wentong Jia, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brestoff Lab

Ashraf  Kabir, PhD

Ashraf Kabir, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Choi Lab

Liang-I Kang, MD, PhD

Liang-I Kang, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Maloree Khan, DO

Maloree Khan, DO

Resident, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology

Sakshi Khanna, PhD

Sakshi Khanna, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dantas Lab

Alfred Kim, MD, PhD

Alfred Kim, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Ayoung Kim, PhD

Ayoung Kim, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Randolph Lab

Brian Kim, MD

Brian Kim, MD

Associate Professor, Medicine

Sunkyung (Sunny) Kim, PhD

Sunkyung (Sunny) Kim, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

YeRam Kim, PhD

YeRam Kim, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Choi Lab

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD

BJC Investigator, Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Kipnis Lab