Rongbin Ge, MD, PhD

Rongbin Ge, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Susan Gilfillan, PhD

Susan Gilfillan, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Jeffrey Gordon, MD

Jeffrey Gordon, MD

Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor
Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Professor, Developmental Biology
Professor, Molecular Microbiology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Ann M.  Gronowski, PhD

Ann M. Gronowski, PhD

Oree M. Carroll and Lillian B. Ladenson Professor in Clinical Chemistry, Pathology & Immunology and Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division Co-Chief, Laboratory and Genomic Medicine
CLIA Medical Director, BJH Pathology Services & Memorial Hospitals
Co-Director, Clinical Chemistry Fellowship

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH

Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Professor of Medicine

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Ian S. Hagemann, MD, PhD

Ian S. Hagemann, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Director, Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Office of Faculty Development Representative

Claudia Han, PhD

Claudia Han, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Scott Handley, PhD

Scott Handley, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Tom Hannan, DVM, PhD

Tom Hannan, DVM, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Anjum Hassan, MD

Anjum Hassan, MD

Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD

Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Pediatric Pathology
Director, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Jasmin Herz, PhD

Jasmin Herz, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Matthew C. Hibberd, PhD

Matthew C. Hibberd, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

D. Ashley Hill, MD

D. Ashley Hill, MD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD

Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD

Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Pathologist-in-Chief, Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Division: Neuropathology

Drew Hughes, MD, PhD

Drew Hughes, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

Ronald Jackups Jr., MD, PhD

Ronald Jackups Jr., MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Clinical Informatics
Program Director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Umang Jain, PhD

Umang Jain, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Liang-I Kang, MD, PhD

Liang-I Kang, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Sunkyung (Sunny) Kim, PhD

Sunkyung (Sunny) Kim, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD

BJC Investigator, Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Kipnis Lab

Eynav Klechevsky, PhD

Eynav Klechevsky, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Office of Faculty Development Representative

Klechevsky Lab

Hannah R. Krigman, MD

Hannah R. Krigman, MD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Gynecologic Pathology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Kilannin Krysiak, PhD

Kilannin Krysiak, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pathology & Immunology

Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

Jack H. Ladenson, PhD

Jack H. Ladenson, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Yi-Shan Lee, MD, PhD

Yi-Shan Lee, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Cheryl Lichti, PhD

Cheryl Lichti, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Chieh-Yu Lin, MD, PhD

Chieh-Yu Lin, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Autopsy

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Chang Liu, MD, PhD

Chang Liu, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Blood Bank/Apheresis/CTL/HLA
Director, Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Fellowship

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Ta-Chiang Liu, MD, PhD, AGAF

Ta-Chiang Liu, MD, PhD, AGAF

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Associate Chief, Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

Co-Director, Advanced Imaging & Tissue Analysis Core
Director, Pilot and Feasibility Program
Digestive Disease Research Cores Center

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Tiantian Liu, PhD

Tiantian Liu, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Xiuli Liu, MD, PhD

Xiuli Liu, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Liver/GI
Director, Liver/GI Fellowship

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Ulrike Lorenz, PhD

Ulrike Lorenz, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Changqing (Cathy) Ma, MD, PhD

Changqing (Cathy) Ma, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Nathan McLamb, MD

Nathan McLamb, MD

Assistant Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Laboratory and Genomic Medicine

Office of Faculty Development Representative


Nidia Messias, MD

Nidia Messias, MD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Director, Renal/Genitourinary (GU) Fellowship
Director, Anatomic Pathology Quality & Safety

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Office of Faculty Development Representative

Nima Mosammaparast, MD, PhD

Nima Mosammaparast, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Co-Director, Physician Scientist Training Program

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Mosammaparast Lab

Kenneth Murphy, MD, PhD

Kenneth Murphy, MD, PhD

Eugene Opie First Centennial Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Murphy Lab

Theresa Murphy, PhD

Theresa Murphy, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Julie A. Neidich, MD

Julie A. Neidich, MD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Pediatrics, Division of Genetics and Genomics

Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

Christopher A. Nelson, PhD

Christopher A. Nelson, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Spencer Ng, MD, PhD

Spencer Ng, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology)

Division: Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

Bijal Parikh, MD, PhD

Bijal Parikh, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Director, BJH Molecular Diagnostics Lab
Director, Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship

Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

Jacqueline Payton, MD, PhD

Jacqueline Payton, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Co-Director, Physician Scientist Training Program

Payton Lab

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Research Interests: Lymphoma, epigenetics, gene regulation, host-pathogen interface

Richard J. Perrin, MD, PhD

Richard J. Perrin, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Neuropathology

Stephen Persaud, MD, PhD

Stephen Persaud, MD, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

John Pfeifer, MD, PhD

John Pfeifer, MD, PhD

Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Gwendalyn J. Randolph, PhD

Gwendalyn J. Randolph, PhD

Emil R. Unanue Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology

Randolph Lab

Kodi Ravichandran, BVSc, PhD

Kodi Ravichandran, BVSc, PhD

Robert L. Kroc Professor of Pathology and Immunology
Division Chief, Immunobiology

Division: Immunobiology

Gary Grajales Reyes, MD, PhD

Gary Grajales Reyes, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Division: Immunobiology