Tiantian Liu, PhD

Tiantian Liu, PhD

Instructor, Pathology & Immunology


  • Immunobiology


  • BS: Biology, Wuhan University, China (2010)
  • PhD: Cell Biology, Wuhan University, China (2016)
  • Postdoctoral Training (with Kenneth M. Murphy): Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (2023)

Research Statement

My overall goal is to characterize the mechanism of immune cell lineage differentiation and the function of immune subsets, with the aim to improve immunotherapy. My research has been mainly focused on understanding the transcriptional regulation of dendritic cells development, and the function of type 2 classical dendritic cells in directing T cell differentiation.


Liu TT, Ou F, Belk JA, Bagadia P, Anderson DA 3rd, Durai V, Yao W, Satpathy AT, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. Cis interactions in the Irf8 locus regulate stage-dependent enhancer activation. Genes Dev. (2023) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36990511/
Liu TT, Kim S, Desai P, Kim DH, Huang X, Ferris ST, Wu R, Ou F, Egawa T, Van Dyken SJ, Diamond MS, Johnson PF, Kubo M, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. Ablation of cDC2 development by triple mutations within the Zeb2 enhancer. Nature (2022) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35732734/
Bagadia P*, Huang X*, Liu TT*, Durai V, Grajales-Reyes GE, Nitschké M, Modrusan Z, Granja JM, Satpathy AT, Briseño CG, Gargaro M, Iwata A, Kim S, Chang HY, Shaw AS, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. An Nfil3-Zeb2-Id2 pathway imposes Irf8 enhancer switching during cDC1 development. Nat Immunol. (2019) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31406377/
Bagadia P*, Huang X*, Liu TT*, Murphy KM. Shared Transcriptional Control of Innate Lymphoid Cell and Dendritic Cell Development. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. (2019) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31283378/
Ferris ST, Liu TT, Chen J, Ohara RA, Ou F, Wu R, Kim S, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. WDFY4 deficiency in NOD mice ameliorates autoimmune diabetes and insulitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2023) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36940342/
Kim S, Chen J, Jo S, Ou F, Ferris ST, Liu TT, Ohara RA, Anderson DA, Wu R, Chen MY, Gillanders WE, Gillanders WE, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. IL-6 selectively suppresses cDC1 specification via C/EBPβ. J Exp Med. (2023) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37432392/
Wu R, Ohara RA, Jo S, Liu TT, Ferris ST, Ou F, Kim S, Theisen DJ, Anderson DA 3rd, Wong BW, Gershon T, Schreiber RD, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. Mechanisms of CD40-dependent cDC1 licensing beyond costimulation. Nat Immunol. (2022) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36271147/
Kim S, Bagadia P, Anderson DA 3rd, Liu TT, Huang X, Theisen DJ, O’Connor KW, Ohara RA, Iwata A, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. High Amount of Transcription Factor IRF8 Engages AP1-IRF Composite Elements in Enhancers to Direct Type 1 Conventional Dendritic Cell Identity. Immunity (2020) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32795402/
Liu TT, Yang Q, Li M, Zhong B, Ran Y, Liu LL, Yang Y, Wang YY, Shu HB. LSm14A Plays a Critical Role in Antiviral Immune Responses by Regulating MITA Level in a Cell-Specific Manner. J Immunol. (2016) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27183626/

Kelly Antolik
Clinical Sciences Research Building, 7th Floor, Room 7739