1. Make sure the pathologist is using VPN or Citrix. (If working outside of WUCON)
  2. Verify that images are not loading by logging into WUPAX and opening the case. (make sure to use VPN/Citrix, if working outside of WUCON)
  3. If they still are not loading, follow steps below.
    1. Open RoyalTS
    2. Open SP-Aperio, to restart the ImageServer services
    3. On the taskbar, right-click on the Aperio logo and select “Restart All”
      1. This can take a few minutes, even after the “Restarted Services” blip appears.
    4. Try to re-open the images.
  4. If images are still not loading, make sure the WUPATHDMC account has read/write permissions on the UIUploader folder. \\pathdsr\images\uiuploader\digipath\
  5. An error may have occurred during the upload.
    1. To check for image error, browse to this link  \\pathdsr\images\uiuploader\digipath\
    2. Sort the folder by date
      1. This folder is organized by Patient, each patient will have a subfolder for each of their cases.
      2. Open the most recent, and look for the ailing case.
      3. Remove/Rename the Images in this CASE folder, and have the user try re-uploading the images. (you will have to Return the Case to Client