The Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine employs approximately 165 people including more than 30 faculty and 25 residents and fellows. The clinical faculty of the LGM Division oversee multiple clinical laboratories at Barnes-Jewish Hospital (BJH) that process approximately 5.5 million tests per year.

S. Joshua Swamidass, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Phone: 949-394-9906
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Michiko Taniguchi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology and Immunology
- Email:
Division: Laboratory and Genomic Medicine

Suzanne R. Thibodeaux, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Transfusion Medicine/HLA
- Phone: 314-362-2998
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Ning Tsao, PhD
Instructor, Pathology & Immunology
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Aayushi Uberoi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: Office 314-273-8682 // Lab 314-273-8683
- Email:
Division: Laboratory and Genomic Medicine
Office Location: 7749 Clinical Science Research Building (CSRB)
Lab Location: 7746 Clinical Science Research Building (CSRB)

Miranda J. Wallace, PhD
Instructor, Pathology and Immunology
- Phone: (314) 286-0867
- Email:
Division: Laboratory and Genomic Medicine

David Wang, PhD
Professor, Microbiology
Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-286-1123
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Yi Wang, PhD
Instructor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-362-3963
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Mark Watson, MD, PhD
Margaret Gladys Smith Professor in Pathology and Immunology
Vice Chair, Office of Faculty Development
- Phone: 314-454-7919
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Daniel M Webber, MD, PhD
Instructor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-362-3963
- Email:
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine
For more information on all faculty in the Department, visit the directory page.