Malaria drug protects fetuses from Zika infection

Indira Mysorkar, PhD, affiliated faculty in Pathology & Immunology, is the senior scientist on the study demonstrating that treatment of Zika infected mice with cholorquine prevents the virus from crossing the placenta to infect the fetus.

Department welcomes new residents and fellows in 2017

Twelve new residents and 20 new fellows joined the Department of Pathology & Immunology in the beginning of July. Residents Heba Abdelal, MD – AP/CP Brooj Abro, MD – AP/CP Zahra Alipour, MD – AP/CP Adam Bailey, MD, PhD – CP/PSTP Jie-Fu Chen, MD – AP/CP Matthew Hedberg, MD, PhD – AP Arjun Raman, MD, […]

Faculty and trainees receive multiple awards at ACLPS meeting

The Department of Laboratory Medicine at Yale hosted the 52nd Annual Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists meeting on June 15-17, 2017. Congratulations to all Washington University Department of Pathology & Immunology faculty and trainees from  who received special recognition and awards! Jacqueline Payton, MD, PhD received the Benson Lectureship/Ellis Benson Award for her […]

Ladenson receives the 2017 IFCC distinguished award

This first time award, presented by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, honors Ladenson for his remarkable scientific work to improve cardiac disease diagnosis. Read the press release. Jack Ladenson, PhD is the Oree M. Carroll and Lillian B. Ladenson Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Pathology & Immunology. He is also the Co-Medical Director of Clinical Chemistry.

Grant updates: March and April 2017

Virgin receives nearly $7 million of a total of $7.8 million in grants awarded to numerous faculty in Immunobiology and Laboratory & Genomic Medicine. Congratulations to all! Gaya Amarasinghe, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology & Immunology, of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, and of Molecular Microbiology, received a one-year $122,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health, […]

Artyomov wins LEAP Innovator Challenge

The award was for work leading to a patent submission on the metabolic modulation of the immune response through the anti-inflammatory action of itaconate. LEAP funds provide winners with funds to help them achieve their milestones to further commercial licensing and/or investment potential. Awards were selected by the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SC), the Center for Drug […]

Antibiotic resistance circumvented in lab

The work, published in Nature Chemical Biology, is a collaboration among multidisciplinary scientists, including microbial genomicist, Gautam Dantas, PhD.

Department celebrates laboratory professional week

Medical Laboratory Professionals week was observed nationally the week of April 23-29, 2017. The Department of Pathology & Immunology took this opportunity to recognize the service and dedication of all individuals who contribute to the missions of the Department. Celebrations consisted of raffles, service awards, a photo contest, a luncheon and more. Download the newsletter for summaries of […]

Science matters: Gautam Dantas

Gautam Dantas, PhD shares his story about why science matters and how his research has the potential to improve people’s everyday lives and their health.

Grant updates: January and February 2017

Grants totaling nearly $10 million were awarded to faculty and trainees in Immunobiology, Laboratory & Genomic Medicine and Anatomic & Molecular Pathology. Congratulations to all! Kyunghee Choi, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology & Immunology, received a four-year $1,856,628 grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, entitled “Hemangioblast Development and Regulation”. Marco Colonna, MD, Professor […]

Father of the microbiome

Jeffrey I. Gordon, MD, is expanding our understanding of human health into nonhuman realms, studying the bacteria that take up residence in the gut and help define who we become.

Three questions with Gautam Dantas

A microbiology professor discusses antibiotic resistance and his lab’s efforts to help physicians fight antibiotic-resistant infections.

Grant updates: November and December 2016

Nima Mosammaparast, Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Joshua Swamidass, Gene Oltz and Kathleen Sheehan among awardees in November and December with grants totaling nearly $3 million. Nima Mosammaparast, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology & Immunology, received a two-year $600,000 grant from the Alvin Siteman Cancer Research Fund, entitled “Targeting Nuclear Alkylation Repair Centers for Tumor Chemosensitization”. Thaddeus Stappenbeck, MD, […]

Randolph featured by Kenneth Rainin Foundation in video

Gwendolyn Randolph, PhD is featured in the Foundation’s “Researcher’s Breakthrough Moment” video series (February 9th edition). She is one of the Foundation’s grantees and the video highlights her visionary work on Chron’s Disease. Dr. Randolph is the Emil R. Unanue Professor of Pathology & Immunology and Head of the Division of Immunobiology. Visit the Kenneth Rainin Foundation Health […]

Oltz receives AAI distinguished service award

Dr. Eugene M. Oltz, PhD has been awarded the American Association of Immunologists Distinguished Service Award for outstanding service to the AAI and the immunology community. He has been valuable a member and chair of the AAI Publication Committee since 2012. The 2017 AAI award winners will be recognized at IMMUNOLOGY 2017™ – May 12-16, Washington, DC.

Oltz receives $419,375 grant from NIH/NIAID

Eugene Oltz, Ph.D. received a two-year $419,375 grant from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, entitled “Regulation of Genome Architecture in Lymphocytes: Opposing Tether and Boundary Functions”. Dr. Oltz is Professor of Pathology & Immunology.

Randolph receives $1.2M grant from NIH/NIAID

The five-year grant funds work to study the differentiation and function of monocytes and macrophages. Gwendalyn Randolph, PhD is Professor of Pathology & Immunology, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Immunobiology.

Stappenbeck receives $100,000 grant from the Kenneth Raining Foundation

The one-year grant funds work to study the therapeutic potential and manipulation of a novel microbial receptor that triggers autophagy. Thaddeus Stappenbeck, MD, PhD is Professor of Pathology & Immunology, Professor of Developmental Biology and Co-head of the Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine.

Collins elected as member of the ASC executive board

Dr. Collins will serve as an executive board member at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting for the American Society of Cytopathology. The meeting is head November 2015. Brian Collins, MD is Associate Professor of Pathology & and Immunology, Section Head of Cytopathology and the Program Director of the Cytopathology Fellowship at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Colonna receives multiple grants totaling $1.5M

The one-year $381,240 grant from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funds work to study the Inhibitory Receptors in Immunity Against Lethal Acute Virus Infection. The five-year $1,906,250 grant from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Aging, funds work to study TREM2 in Microglia Biology and Alzheimer’s Disease. […]

Handley receives $500,000 Microbiome Innovation Award

The three-year grant from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America funds work to study The Virome of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Scott Handley, PhD is Assistant Professor in Pathology & Immunology.

Randolph receives $3.8M grant from NIH

The five-year $3,812,500 grant from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases funds work to study Integrating Cell and Lipoprotein Trafficking with Vascular Biology in Human IBD. Gwendalyn Randolph, PhD is Professor of Pathology & Immunology, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Immunobiology.

Stappenbeck receives $400,000 grant from NIH

The one-year $412,500 grant from the National Institutes of Health funds work to define Crohn’s Disease subtypes using genetics and metagenomics. Thaddeus Stappenbeck, MD, PhD is Professor of Pathology & Immunology and Co-Chief of the Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine.

Gordon to receive Keio Medical Science Prize

Jeffrey Gordon, MD will be honored November 25, at a ceremony in Tokyo.​​​​​​​​​​​​​ He is the Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor of Pathology & Immunology, Professor of Developmental Biology and of Medicine, and Director, Center for Genome Sciences.

Unanue receives International Senior Award in Immunology

Emil Unanue, MD, Paul and Ellen Lacy Professor of Pathology & Immunology, is the laureate of the International Senior Award in the field of “Immunology” for his research on the recognition of proteins by the immune system.