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Andrey S. Shaw, MD

Andrey S. Shaw, MD

Voluntary Research Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Haina Shin, PhD

Haina Shin, PhD

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Morton Smith, MD

Morton Smith, MD

Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Associate Dean Emeritus

Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

David H. Spencer, MD, PhD

David H. Spencer, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Jane Willman Turner, MD, PhD

Jane Willman Turner, MD, PhD

Voluntary Clinical Professor, Pathology and Immunology

Division: Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

William Vermi, MD

William Vermi, MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Terry Woodford-Thomas, PhD

Terry Woodford-Thomas, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology (Danforth Plant Science Center)