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Brian Edelson, MD, PhD Recognized for Contributions in Education

Brian Edelson, MD, PhD was recently inducted into the Washington University School of Medicine Academy of Educators. The ceremony was held on September 24 to coincide with Education Day sponsored by the School of Medicine. Edelson was acknowledged for his important and varied contributions to our ongoing educational programs, and roles in building the new Gateway Curriculum. 

To be selected for membership is an honor. However, the Academy is notable for being service-oriented, rather than honorific. Members exemplify high achievement in education but must commit to helping advance the goals of the Academy. 

The stated vision of the Academy is to: foster an environment where education is highly valued and conducted at the highest level; encourage and recognize innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment; provide advocacy for education in promotions processes; organize mentorship and faculty development programs in medical education, and support exceptional educational research and scholarship in the health sciences. 

It supports faculty engaged in all aspects of education on the medical campus including those involved with teaching MD students, graduate students, residents and fellows, and trainees in the programs in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Audiology and Communications Sciences. 

The Academy inducted its first cohort last year and Drs. Erika Crouch and Ian Hagemann were among the inaugural inductees. We strongly encourage others to consider applying for membership in the Academy. 

At the same event Suzie Thibodeaux, MD, PhD graduated from the School of Medicine’s Teaching Scholars Program, which is intended to develop future leaders in healthcare education.  

Congratulations to both!