AMP Featured Colleague Noteworthy Research

Abstract Receives Award from Society for Pediatric Pathology

An abstract co-authored and entitled, “PD-L1/PD-1 Expression in Wilms Tumor: Analysis of 52 cases” has won the Gordon F. Vawter Pathologist-in-Training Award at the Society for Pediatric Pathology 2020 at its Spring Meeting in Los Angeles, CA.

The award recognizes meritorious work presented by Jeff Chen, MD based on research conducted by a group of Washington University School of Medicine Pathology & Immunology residents including Aidas Mattis, MD, PhD, Jeff Chen, MD, Ivan Gonzales, MD, and Rehan Rais, MD under the mentorship of Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD, Louis P. Dehner, MD and John Pfeifer, MD, PhD, on checkpoint inhibitor marker PD1/PD-L1 in Wilms Tumor, the most common renal tumor in children.

Patients with high-risk histology or recurrent/metastatic disease have a poor prognosis. This study expanded the cohort from previous research by Mattis on these IHC markers and tumor mutation burden with a standardized approach and obtained more comprehensive clinical annotation. The results help to better understand the clinicopathologic significance of these markers and hopefully help to facilitate the investigation into the role of immune checkpoint inhibition in the treatment of Wilms tumor.