Rakesh Nagarajan, MD, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Laboratory & Genomic Medicine
Additional Titles
- Founder and Executive Chariman, PierianDx
- BA, Echols Interdisciplinary: University of Virginia, Jack Jouett, VA (1994)
- MD: Washington University, St. Louis, MO (2002)
- PhD, Neurosciences: Washington University, St. Louis, MO (2002)
- Change Agent Award, caBIG™, 2008
- Outstanding Team Contribution Award, Siteman Cancer Center, caBIG™, 2006
- Integrative Cancer Research Workspace Team Mentoring Award, caBIG™, 2006
- Tissue Banks and Pathology Tools Workspace Team Award, caBIG™, 2006
- Spencer T. & Ann W. Olin Medical Scientist Fellow Award, Washington University, 2002
- Echols Scholar Program, University of Virginia, 1990-94
- Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, University of Virginia, 1992-94
- Howard Hughes Research Apprenticeship Program, University of Virginia, 1992-94
- Center for Biological Timing Research Apprenticeship, University of Virginia, 1991
Tourellotte WG, Nagarajan R, Auyeung A, Mueller C, and Milbrandt J. (1999). Infertility associated with incomplete spermatogenic arrest and oligozoospermia in Egr4-deficient mice. Development 1999, 126;5061-5071 PMID: 10529423 |
Tourellotte WG, Nagarajan R, Bartke A, and Milbrandt J. Functional compensation by Egr4 in Egr 1 dependent luteinizing hormone regulation and Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Mol Cell Biol 2000;20 5261-5268. PMID: 10866682; PMCID: PMC85975 |
Nagarajan R, Svaren J, Le N, Araki T, Watson MA, and Milbrandt J. EGR2 mutations in inherited neuropathies dominant-negatively inhibit myelin gene expression. Neuron 2001;30-355 PMID: 11394999 |
Araki T, Nagarajan R, and Milbrandt J. Identification of genes induced in peripheral nerve after injury. 2001. J Biol Chem 2001;276:34131-34141 PMID: 11427537 |
Gutmann DH, Hedrick NM, Li J, Nagarajan R, Perry A, and Watson MA. Comparative gene expression profile analysis of neurofibromatosis 1 – associated and sporadic pilocytic astrocytomas. Cancer Res 2002; 62:2085-2091. PMID: 1192982 |
Modur V, Nagarajan R, Evers BM, and Milbrandt J. FOXO proteins regulate TRAIL expression: Implications for PTEN mutation in prostate cancer. J Biol Chem 2005;25: 47928-47937. PMID 12351634 |
Nagarajan R. Le N, Mahoney H, Araki T, and Milbrandt J. Deciphering peripheral nerve myelination by using Schwann cell expression profiling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 20023;99: 8998-9003. PMID: 12084938; PMCID: PMC124412 |
Young A, Nagarajan R, and Longmore G. Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by Rb- E2F segregate by biological pathway. Oncogene 2003;22:7209-7217. PMID: 14562049 |
Walter MJ, Park JS, Lau SK, Li X, Lane AA, Nagarajan R, Shannon WD, and ley TJ. Expression profiling of murine acute promyelocytic leukemia cells reveals multiple model-dependent progression signatures. Mol Cell Biol 2004:24:10882-10893. PMID: 15572690; PMCID: PMC533966 |
Nagarajan R, Ahmed M, and Phatak A. Database Challenges in the Integration of Biomedical Data Sets. In Proceedings of VLDB Conference, Toronto, Canada. August 2004. |