The Office of Faculty Development strives to create a thriving and diverse department with professionally happy and healthy faculty who are productive, well recognized, and respected within Washington University School of Medicine and the academic Pathology and Immunology community worldwide.

P & I Career Development Seminars

The Office of Faculty Development hosts seminars on the second Wednesday of every month from 12:05 PM – 12:50 PM via Zoom. Join us for our next event.

August 2024

Faculty Lounge Peer Check in
What it is: An informal “work-in-progress”- update, where the “work” is your academic self! This gathering is intended to provide a friendly, safe space for faculty at all levels to reflect on successes, share obstacles or challenges, and visualize future goals and ideals.

August 14, 12:05 – 12:50 pm West Building 3rd Floor Library
Topic: Time Management

Lunch will be provided with registration by August 7

University-Wide Career Development Seminars

All Faculty

Junior & New Faculty
Mid-Career Faculty
Senior Faculty
Chiefs & Section Heads

Send any career development programs that could be added to the above list to Janet Braun.