The Office of Faculty Development strives to create a thriving and diverse department with professionally happy and healthy faculty who are productive, well recognized, and respected within Washington University School of Medicine and the academic Pathology and Immunology community worldwide.

P & I Career Development Seminars and Events

The Office of Faculty Development hosts seminars on the second Wednesday of every month from 12:05 PM – 12:50 PM via Zoom. Join us for our next event.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Book Discussion

Gather Me: A Memoir in Praise of the Books That Saved Me by Glory Edim
February 18th @ 4:05-4:50 pm via Zoom

About the Book:
For Glory Edim, that “friend of my mind” is books. Edim, who grew up in Virginia to Nigerian immigrant parents, started the popular Well-Read Black Girl book club at age thirty, eventually reaching a community of half a million readers. But her own love of books stretches far back.

Edim’s father moved back to Nigeria while she was still a child, marking the beginning of a series of traumatic changes and losses for her family. What became an escape, a safe space, and a second home for her and her brother was their local library. Books were where Edim found community, and as she grew older she discovered authors and ideas that she wasn’t being taught about in class. Reading wherever and whenever she could, be it in her dorm room or when traveling by subway or plane, she found the Black writers whose words would forever change her life: Nikki Giovanni, through children’s poetry cassettes; Maya Angelou, through a critical high school English teacher; Toni Morrison, while attending Morrison’s alma mater, Howard University; Audre Lorde, on a flight to Nigeria. In prose full of both joy and heartbreak, Edim recounts how these writers and so many others taught her how to value herself by helping her to find her own voice when her mother lost hers, to trust her feelings when her father remarried, and to create bonds with other Black women and uplift their stories.

Gather Me is a glowing testament to how the power of representation in literature can gather the disparate parts that make us who we are and assemble them into a portrait of discovery.

Faculty Lounge: Peer Check-In
February 12 | 12:05 – 12:50 pm

An informal “work in progress” update, where the “work” is your academic self.
Topic: Preparing for and making the most of your annual faculty review.
Location: West building, 3rd floor, library
Lunch provided with registration by Feb. 5

Empathetic Leadership in a Collaborative Environment
March 12, 2025 | 12:05 – 12:50 pm

Empathetic Leadership in a Collaborative Environment
Presenter: Jennifer Heemstra, PhD, Chair and Professor of Chemistry
March 12, 2025 | 12:05 – 12:50 pm via Zoom

University-Wide Career Development Seminars

All Faculty

Junior & New Faculty

Mid-Career Faculty
Senior Faculty
Chiefs & Section Heads

Send any career development programs that could be added to the above list to Molly DeClue.