Presented by Steve Taff, PhD, OTR/L, FNAP, FAOTA
Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Medicine
Director, Teaching Scholars Program, Washington University School of Medicine
Part 1: Friday, April 15 from 10:30 am -12:30 pm
Part 2: Monday, April 25 from 10-11 am

This professional development program consists of two related sessions. The first session address the question of “what do we teach and why do we teach the way we do?”. Each educator brings a unique mix of experiences, skills, attitudes, and knowledge to their craft, however, we seldom take the time to reflect on those elements and how they manifest in our day-to-day teaching in the classroom and clinic. In this first session, we examine seven potential influences on teaching styles, including Pratt’s Five Perspectives of Teaching. During interactive lecture and small group discussions, we will explore the transmission, developmental, apprenticeship, nurturing, and social reform paradigms and how those play out in everyday teaching. The second session is a hands-on experience where participants will be guided in documenting the why, what, and how behind their individual teaching styles in a statement which can be used for promotion and as a quality assurance tool for enhancing teaching and learning.