Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD
Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Pathologist-in-Chief, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Email: erichuang@nospam.wustl.edu
Division: Neuropathology

Jasmin Herz, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-273-2289
- Email: herz@wustl.edu
Division: Immunobiology

Matthew C. Hibberd, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Email: hibberdm@wustl.edu
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

D. Ashley Hill, MD
Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-273-7860
- Email: hilldanaa@wustl.edu
Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Chyi Hsieh, MD, PhD
Alan A and Edith L Wolff Distinguished Professor, Medicine
- Phone: 314 362-9075
- Email: chsieh@wustl.edu

Eric J. Huang, MD, PhD
Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Pathologist-in-Chief, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Email: erichuang@wustl.edu
Division: Neuropathology

Zita Hubler, MD, PhD
Resident, Clinical Pathology
Physician Scientist Training Program
- Email: zita@wustl.edu

Drew Hughes, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-273-5283
- Email: hughes.andrew@wustl.edu
Division: Genomic & Molecular Pathology

JoAnne Humphries
Executive Director Business Affairs
- Phone: 314-362-7415
- Email: jhumphries@wustl.edu

H. Michael Isaacs
Director, Informatics
Director, External Affairs
- Phone: 314-362-0145
- Email: isaacs@wustl.edu

Ronald Jackups Jr., MD, PhD
Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Clinical Informatics
Program Director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship
- Email: rjackups@wustl.edu
Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine
Office of Faculty Development Representative

Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine (primary appointment)
Associate Professor of Pathology and Immunology
- Phone: 314-454-8728
- Email: sanjayjain@wustl.edu

Umang Jain, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-273-6990
- Email: ujain@wustl.edu
Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology
Office of Faculty Development Representative

Liang-I Kang, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology
- Email: kangl@wustl.edu
Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD
BJC Investigator, Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Immunology
- Phone: 314-273-2288
- Email: kipnis@wustl.edu
Division: Immunobiology

Eynav Klechevsky, PhD
Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
- Phone: 314-747-6688
- Email: eklechevsky@wustl.edu

Andrzej Krezel, PhD
Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Associate Professor, Biochemistry (dual)
- Phone: 314 362-8482
- Email: krezela@wustl.edu
Division: Anatomic & Molecular Pathology